An important aspect of computer architecture is the design of the instruction set for the processor.The instruction set chosen for a particular computer determines the way that machine language programs are constructed .
early computers had small and simple instruction sets forced mainly by the need to minimize the hardware used to implement digital hardware became cheaper with the advent of integrated circuits ,computer instructions tended to increase both in number and complexity.Many computers have insruction sets that include more than 100 and some times even more than 200 instructions.
These computers also employ a variety of data types and a large number of addressing modes.
early computers had small and simple instruction sets forced mainly by the need to minimize the hardware used to implement digital hardware became cheaper with the advent of integrated circuits ,computer instructions tended to increase both in number and complexity.Many computers have insruction sets that include more than 100 and some times even more than 200 instructions.
These computers also employ a variety of data types and a large number of addressing modes.
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